Award Winner : Modern Building Systems, Inc.
Architectural Excellence : Willamina is a rural community in Oregon. The school district was forced to shut their middle school and sell the property, including building and site, as part of their effort to balance the budget. All staff and students had to be relocated to a new facility. The district decided that the most efficient way was to consolidate the high and middle school on one site. The district had enough vacant property at their high school site, but not enough classroom space. Modern Building Systems provided a 98 feet by 64 feet building, for a total of 6272 square feet. The facility houses 6 classrooms connected by a central hall way, a staff work area and restrooms. The building is installed on a pit set foundation, finished to look like a permanent foundation. Each classroom has large 6/0x4/0 windows to provide as much natural light as possible. The goal was to provide functional classroom space quickly to facilitate a smooth transition.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : This project was the consequence of the district new, tighter budget. Operating now the middle and high school program on just one school site proves to be an efficient step the district has taken. Modern Building Systems was able to facilitate this transition with modular construction, providing exactly the space the district needed at this time. The building allows for future additions in increments of two classrooms, by adding two modules to one end of the building. This will make future growth of the district more cost efficient as well. The building is also featuring high efficiency mechanical units and day light harvesting lighting for more sustainability.
Design Firm Name : Modern Building Systems, Inc.
Occupied Date : 8/29/2011
Production Start Date : 7/2/2011
Project Location City : Willamina
Project Location State Name : OR
Technical Innovation : The roof trusses were pre-engineered and site installed with a 4” in 12” pitch, giving the appearance that the roof is taller than the actual body of the building and providing so much space, that the district is using it to store school furniture. The restroom facilities in the building are located towards one end of the structure and can be closed off from the rest of the building, allowing for access from the outside during after school activities and large school functions being conducted in a multipurpose building next door.
Total Square Feet : 6272