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Visitation and Reception Area

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Satellite Shelters, Inc.

Architectural Excellence : The building design is the result of marrying two buildings with distinct vocations into one compact building due to limitations of proximity to the original location, topography, since the building had to be located on the side of a hill, and size, because it could not impinge on the one available parking lot and public bus route.Many of the chaleenges designing this building were grounded in trying to determine what was essential and therefore needing replication from a permanent, high security area into the modular construction. Problems were resolved using technology, such as developing Video visitation booths in place of person to person visitation, site planning using the flow around the two buildings and the large deck area for a waiting area, and building construction for security, fire safety and efficient use of space.The building design exceeded the purchaser's expectations, as the building was supposed to be temporary but was converted to permanent use.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : This building installation was affected by the site location, and the fact that there was a9' drop from one endo of the building to the other. This necessitated a crane set on mortared piers.

Design Firm Name : T & R Custom, Inc.

Occupied Date : 9/1/2007

Production Start Date : 3/15/2007

Project Location City : Atlanta, Ga

Project Location State Name : GA

Technical Innovation : The modular contruction methodology worked very well for this user because time was of the essence. There was amandated deadline for completion. By working with the factory regarding site challenges and limitations, Changes could be incorporated while site approval, city reviews and site preparation could proceed. Many of these changes were assimilated into the final design by T&R Custom, including the final combined unit design, just weeks before final construction.

Total Square Feet : 4032

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