VAMC Multi Story Modular Building

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Modular Genius, Inc.

Architectural Excellence : Built for Veterans Affairs, this 2-story, 14,500 sqft administrative building addition is comprised of 24 (non-combustible) modules. Both floors include private offices, conference rooms, storage rooms, electrical & data closets, utility closets, open office spaces with cubicles, kitchenettes, restrooms, as well as two interior stairwells and one elevator. The addition utilized high-end design specifications to match the existing building. Specifically, the exterior siding consists of metal insulated wall panels combined with two different brick colors and designs to break up the building architecturally and to give it depth.
In order to maximize real estate and to eliminate any loss of parking spaces, the new modular building was strategically “tucked” into an area where three sides of the existing building surround it. This was an ideal location for space planning; however, the tight quarters made it very challenging during construction, so modular was utilized.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Energy efficiency was accomplished by installing a lighting controller, provided with control stations for use with relay panels and an occupancy sensing system with a 24 circuit high performance low voltage lighting control panel. The digital control stations provide controls to all relay panels and the occupancy sensing system. While proving optimal lighting efficiency, each device is field configurable permitting functions to be changed without the use of programming terminals.
The installation of the modular units occurred from Friday to Sunday, with the core building put into place over these three days; proving substantial construction cost savings for the overall project. VA chose this installation method and modular construction because the project also required concurrent construction phases and VA needed a quick and seamless approach that minimized disruption. More importantly this solution allowed VA to keep their existing operations going and provided a fast completio

Installer Firm Name : Modular Genius, Inc.

Occupied Date : 7/17/2014

Owner Firm Name : Marada Contracting, Inc / Dept of Veterans Affairs

Production Start Date : 8/21/2013

Project Location City : Washington

Project Location State Name : DC

Technical Innovation : This design and installation was highly technical and had to be precise because the building was installed, via a 300-ton hydraulic crane, due to heavy modules with a long reach within tight quarters. A special delivery and traffic plan was required for the building modules and construction materials so the main entrance and main loading dock area to the hospital was never blocked or compromised. Various smaller sized modules were used to meet the tight delivery constraints, while optimizing the building layout required.
An enclosed connecting link was also constructed that connected the modular building to the existing hospital. Modular Genius worked with the Project Design/Engineering partners to calculate and engineer the complete building system. The connecting link also included the design/installation of high-end, upgraded design specifications to match both buildings.

Total Square Feet : 14592

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