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Solana Beach District Office & Childcare Development Center

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Aries Building Systems, LLC

Architectural Excellence : The Solana Beach School District was compelled to demolish their existing District Office & Childcare Development Center which were dilapidated and unsuitable for habitation. Class Leasing, LLC was contracted to design, refurbish, supply and install relocatable modular buildings to house the existing staff and programs for the next five years while the new structures are being built. To take advantage of current market conditions and minimize construction delays, the design team had to utilize and modify existing inventory and integrate several custom specifications and interior finishes such as custom floor tiles, lighting, and restroom facilities. The refurbished modular installation consists of 1-24’ X 40’ administration offices refurbished to house their administrative staff at the District Office location and 1-36’ X 40’ pre-school classrooms customized to meet the school district requirements.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : The entire 2,400 square feet District Office & Childcare Development Center is 100% modular with each module at 90% completeness when leaving the factory. This helped to minimize the impact to the Solana Beach School District by reducing the overall infrastructure costs, as well as, on-site construction and disruption to existing facilities and programs. As a result of Class’ off-site modular construction techniques, the total construction time was reduced significantly without sacrificing quality or style. The project’s timeline was designed to maximize output in a short amount of time with 30 days for the necessary module design, 47 days for fabrication and refurbishment, and 13 days for delivery, installation, and finishing. Class made use of their in-house trucks to facilitate an accelerated delivery and installation schedule that corresponded with the school district’s summer recess.

Design Firm Name : McCarthy Construction

Engineering Firm Name : Jack Shively

Installer Firm Name : Class Leasing, LLC

Occupied Date : 8/15/2017

Owner Firm Name : Solana Beach School District

Production Start Date : 5/15/2017

Project Location City : Solana Beach

Project Location State Name : CA

Technical Innovation : The construction of the modular District Office & Childcare Development Center had to be completed offsite to facilitate both timeliness and minimize impact to local residential communities in Solana Beach, CA. To achieve this, Class Leasing, LLC designed, refurbished, constructed, and customized the entire modular structure in permanent pre-engineered sections until it was at 90% completeness when leaving the factory. The construction included interior finishes such as custom floor tile, carpet, casework, lighting, and restroom facilities to support both the district administrative staff and a vibrant day-care program. By constructing and refurbishing all modules, Class was able to utilize many of the typical modular construction advantages to ensure that the entire structure can stand up to extended use. All modules had to conform to DSA temporary modular construction guidelines so the entire facility could be removed or repurposed as soon as the permanent school was completed.

Total Square Feet : 2400

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