Award Winner : Vanguard Modular Building Systems, LLC
Architectural Excellence : Shaw Constructors won an award for a high profile client that needed a plant from the ground up, on a site more than sixty miles away from their corporate office. Shaw quickly needed an office space that would not only enable them to visually monitor ongoing project work but would also be an aesthetically pleasing space for meetings with the current customer as a well as potential clients. They required cost effective unique design features to include color matches to their logo and a specially designed conference room that would allow 180ยบ viewing of the entire project site in the rear of the building.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : The features incorporated for aesthetics also contribute to cost effectiveness and energy efficiency. This would include the use of skylights to allow for the use of natural light. The electronic lighting controls permits pre-determined settings for daily use. An energy efficient HVAC system was installed.
This project was completed in three months which enabled Shaw to stay on schedule and budget.
Occupied Date : 5/15/2008
Production Start Date : 2/5/2008
Project Location City : Cliffside
Project Location State Name : NC
Technical Innovation : A 25,872 square foot, 28 unit, complex was designed with a recessed entry, store front windows and doors. The front of the building was designed with a double angle mansard across the full width of the building. In the rear, the main conference room was pushed outward to provide the full view of the project site on three sides of the room. In addition, natural light was brought into the center areas of the building by the use of skylights.
Total Square Feet : 25872
Category : Permanent: Office: over 10,000 sq. ft.