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Schneider Westshore Data Centre

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Additional Info

Award Winner : PCL Agile

Design Firm Name : PCL Agile

Engineering Firm Name : Kerico Engineering Ltd

Green Building Description : Given that the modular unit is a data centre, removing heat for the optimal performance of the IT equipment, while utilizing an efficient and cost-effective cooling system was important to reduce overall energy use. To achieve this, in-row cooling units with exterior condensers and a well-sealed and insulated envelope were required. PCL utilized the depth of building envelope knowledge from traditional construction of green building to assist in achieving the best possible energy performance for the centre.

Occupied Date : 4/21/2020

Owner Firm Name : Schneider Electric

Production Start Date : 12/12/2019

Project Location City : Delta

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Everything for the structure was built in one place with materials that were readily available, not specially ordered, by trades that were all in one location. Rather than having to wait for each other to finish, the trades worked alongside each other, which reduced labour hours and kept the project on schedule. PCL’s tendering of the trade contractor scopes of work allowed Schneider to receive the cost benefits of multiple qualified contractors competing for the work. Scheduling was a major part of the project as the client had a specific timeline in which they needed the structure and they wanted to replace their current server as seamlessly as possible with minimum disruption. By staying on schedule, we made sure the client lost as few operating hours as possible. One the 98% complete module arrived on site, all that had to be done was hook it up. There were no necessary additions or modifications, only minor assemblies like an awning because of its size.

Architectural Excellence : Schneider Data Centre, an onsite server room, houses needed information for a mining site and operation. The steel structure—55 ft. x 12 ft. x 11 ft.—was designed to fit in the site’s confines. The structure’s interior and exterior were cladded with conventional wall cladding and robust, corrugated metal materials, coated with a life-long protective finish, to be corrosion resistant and to withstand the extreme elements of the field: corrosive coal dust and the salt air and saltwater due to the proximity to the ocean. Paying close attention to the layout was important to maintain the overall dimensions of the unit. More inches could not be added, or shipping costs would have increased; yet, the interior was designed to be functional, fit the required equipment and allow for proper serviceability. The layout contained hot- and cold-aisles for IT Racks, an uninterruptible power-supply system, a transformer and dry fire suppression system—all in place to protect the data.

Project Location State Name : British Columbia

Technical Innovation : PCL used a Bluco fixturing system to ensure squareness of the fabricated steel modules. This helped ensure all angles were met and the tight fabrication tolerances were met and dimensionally accurate within 1/16 of an inch. Not only did the system allow PCL to establish that level of precision, but it optimized productivity. PCL built a lot of subassemblies for accurate fitments, put them together and made sure everything was squared, which helped the pieces align perfectly. By completing many different trade scopes within the shop environment, the efficiencies of working in a controlled environment allowed for high-quality work completed in less time, which offset the cost of shipping the unit. Specialized power and IT equipment was installed within the module, which required a clean and controlled environment due to the sensitive nature of the equipment. Dust and metal filing can be problematic, and the controlled environment of the shop allowed for a stringent dust control.

Total Square Feet : 660

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