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Renovacion Perez Caldera Camp.

All permits in part of the scope TecnoF_6532841E.jpg TecnoF_6532841V.jpg

Additional Info

Award Winner : Tecno Fast S.A.

Architectural Excellence : Perez Caldera Camp is a project renovation of existing old camp located at Los Andes mountains at an elevation of 3630 meters above sea level, for a workforce mining providing accommodation to 2800 workers. AngloAmerican company is the owner of camp, and their philosophy is to improve the standard in the camp accommodations for their people and contractors.

The design of new buildings is based in use a one typical module, with two bedrooms up to 3 persons of capacity with a private bathroom, complexing in a 6-story building. The units is a module with wooden structure; walls and diaphragms for floor and ceiling, with thermal insulation and noising reduction elements between bedrooms, in accordance with Chilean construction codes.

Due to Client’s conditions, the project is separated in two phases, and the old installations must to continue in operations, until the first renovation is release to be occupied. This peculiar situation gets the obligation to build a sound barrier wall, of 12 meters he

Cost Energy Effectiveness : The construction of the project includes more than 800 modular buildings, saving a lot of time and money in preparation of interior finishing, and bathroom and appliance already installed in the factory.

Transportation takes only 180 KM of distance between Santiago de Chile factory, to Perez Caldera site. A lot of transit was avoiding, using the roads during night-time.

To prevent damages to people, there also another modification in the roof installation; we use a modular roof of 3,52 mts x 12,80 meters, with all the lumber trusses installed, plywood roof and siding already install in the factory. It helps a lot to improve speed of building erection.

Green Building Description : Using lumber in a 6 story building is a great step in sustainability, by itself.
No carbon footprint, or a big reduction in it, is a very good innovation for our country. Chile produce al big volume of radiata pine, wish is the base of all panels and diaphragms of the modules in the project.

Also, the thermal insulation, and the thickness of walls, allows to reduce the heating and cooling needs inside the rooms. It means, saving power in climate of the buildings.

The old camps modules, was disassemble from the actual location, and there is a Angloamerican plan to recycling for housing or community secondary use. It aply green numbers to the renovation at all.

Occupied Date : 5/5/2018

Production Start Date : 11/15/2017

Project Location City : Santiago

Project Location State Name : Lo Barnechaea-Region Metropolitana

Technical Innovation : BIM technologies are applied to architectural design, and it allows very easy modifications and communications with engineering and site supervision. The all project schedule was improving by 30% using these design tools.

Engineering testing was part of the design, and it took 1.5 years previous to production start, to test all of modules resistance and interconnections too.

Finally, the use of intensive lumber in design, is a big number in CO2 reduction in buildings. Also, the thermal insulation allows the buildings to save a lot in heating and cooling, during winter or summer time. Air conditioning in all rooms is a state of art, inverter heat pump, which save electrical power too. The gas inside the machine is also a environmental friendly gas R410.

Total Square Feet : 34830

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