Phillippe Pinel Hospital

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Tecno Fast S.A.

Architectural Excellence : The Phillippe Pinel Hospital was design to meet the standards of a fully equipet psiquiatric hospital. Design with steel structure and special care in high durability materials, the modules were fabricated in our plant in Lampa, Santiago. The building has 90 minute fire resistance in walls and 60 minute in celling. The corridor has skylights through all the length to create better spaces and save energy.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Before the Healthcare service decided to build with modular units, they tried in two occasions to build it the traditional way in concrete and brick. Both time they didn’t finish and both companies went in bankruptcy. With our modular technology they finally have their hospital. Building this facility in a controlled environment and away from the site helped reduce time and costs in project management and general conditions.

Design Firm Name : TECNO FAST

Engineering Firm Name : Tecno Fast


Occupied Date : 6/15/2016

Owner Firm Name : Servicio de Salud Aconcagua

Production Start Date : 1/10/2016

Project Location City : Putaendo, Aconcagua, Chile

Technical Innovation : In order to have an operating building as soon as possible, the Chilean Ministry of Health in association with the regional health care service, decided to go modular in the new psiquiatric building because the hospital was absolutely overcrowded. In only 6 month, we deliver a completely functional psiquiatric hospital.

Total Square Feet : 2468

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