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Nunes Cooling Guard Shack Skid

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc.

Architectural Excellence : As a busy agricultural cooling plant, Nunes Cooling had outgrown their tiny guard shack. Their guard shack is not simply used by a single person standing at a window checking plates; it’s used as an office. Each delivery and pick up comes with a ream of paperwork that has to be inspected then processed by the “guards”. This building was built to accommodate the needs of these busy administrators. Custom casework was designed and provided to best enable efficient work flow, taking into consideration employee movements around the small office. A station was custom built at an angle for their printer/copier to make it easier for employees to access quickly. Interior colors were matched to an existing modular, a challenge in itself as the existing building was quite old and many of the finishes were no longer available. The exterior was painted to melt into the background so as not to be a prominent feature of the landscape. Colors were matched to the warehouse building immediately behind.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : This building will be extremely cost-effective over the course of its lifespan. Nunes Cooling is an agricultural cooling company with substantial facilities in Salinas, California and also Yuma, Arizona. Much of their equipment is moved between the two locations as the season dictates. By building a skid for Nunes we were able to ensure that they would be able to move the building themselves as needed. Not only was the building designed to work specifically with their lifting equipment (forklifts) but was designed at such a size that it can be transported on a flatbed truck as necessary from one location to the other without requiring special permits or pilot cars. Thus Nunes Cooling can not only maneuver the building around their plants, but also between the plants as they wish. Over the lifespan of the building this should save them tens of thousands of dollars in transportation and related costs.

Occupied Date : 5/23/2011

Production Start Date : 5/2/2011

Project Location City : Salinas

Project Location State Name : CA

Technical Innovation : Nunes Cooling, operating in a major agricultural plant, has specialty fork-lift trucks with multiple forks. A 10’x36’ skid mounted office was designed specifically for their existing fork-lifts to integrate into the chassis system in order to easily move the building from place to place. The design provided an additional beam down the middle of the chassis at a point approximately 6” from the end of the Nunes forks. This beam is required to brace against the forks when the building is tilted back, thereby preventing the fork ends from puncturing the floor. Restrooms were included in this skid mount building as well, requiring clever piping to bring both the water and the sewer out the side of the building above the chassis.

Total Square Feet : 360

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