Award Winner : Satellite Shelters, Inc.
Architectural Excellence : The two story building was comprised of (44) 14’x60’ modules that were installed side to side and end to end for a layout of (22) modules on each floor of the facility. Two additional 14’x30’ modules were installed on the end of the structure to provide a second stairwell complimenting the interior stairway centrally located in the building. The exterior design coordinated with existing buildings on site with matching 30” wide vertical insulated metal panels. A gable front entry was provided with a standing seam red metal roof that coordinated with the color of the step railings as well as the exterior window trim. The large common corridor was designed to accommodate the accessibility of the staff with a centrally located elevator and restrooms. The first and second floors were provided with IT rooms to house the large amount of equipment and network cabling required for the engineering team. The new parking lot was designed to accommodate the current staff and for future growth.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : The climate in Michigan required upgraded building specifications with 2”x6” exterior wall studs with a continuous air infiltration barrier and R-19 insulation. Insulated metal panels on the exterior of the facility provide an additional R-10 to the building envelope. The roof system was finished with a TPO heat welded membrane and R-38 insulation. To achieve the desired finished product in the time frame required a combination of modular and site built construction was provided. The design started with the module CAD baselines provided by Whitely Mfg. The module configuration was shared with the other design team members who provided the final finishes as well as the structural design. To provide better energy efficiency the perimeter interior walls of the foundation were insulated with rigid insulation panels. The scope was divided to allow the manufacturing of the modules to proceed while the site work and foundation progressed simultaneously providing an expeditious schedule.
Occupied Date : 11/15/2015
Owner Firm Name : American Electric Power
Production Start Date : 5/15/2015
Project Location City : Bridgman
Project Location State Name : MI
Technical Innovation : To provide the most efficient and comfortable environment the building was fitted with (11) roof top units with each unit supplying a designed zone. A poured perimeter foundation with interior piers supports the building modules. The crawl space has a concrete floor installed with a vapor barrier and insulated walls. Tempered heat is provided to the crawl space to avoid the use of any heat tape for the exposed domestic water and fire sprinkler lines. An air exchange system monitors humidity in the crawl space and removes excess moisture. To provide a safe working environment a 4’ high parapet was constructed on all sides of the building. This helps to protect the roof top units from the harsh winter weather from Lake Michigan which is in close proximity to the building. The IT rooms are provided with mini-split roof top units that provide the cooling required for the network equipment. The tapered roof has interior roof drains to the crawl space that exit the rear side of the building.
Total Square Feet : 38000
Category : Permanent: Office: any square footage