Award Winner : POSCO A&C
Architectural Excellence : Building: The gross site area is 10,305 square meters and building area is 2,749. The hotel is consist of 3 buildings with four-story and provide total 301 rooms.
Unit: Every parts of building are divided to 3,300mmx7,000mmx3,200mm units that was carefully considered of mobility and sustainability.
Exterior: Exterior is minimized with less decorative design element to emphasize the aesthetic of natural material's charicteristic; steel, glass and aluminum with elevation pattern from repeatitive units.
Interior: Detail touch were made both in hallway and lobby with high-quality steel and space itself is designed considering its use. Particularly, the stair and hallway were prefabricated in module. Premium steel bath system is installed instead of tiled unit bath system, and interior wall was enhanced by high corrosion-proof fabric textured printed color steel plate. Notes or the painting can be posted on the wall with magnet. The wall is free from nailing and taping.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : - HSA500 steel material was adopted to decrease the thickness and the quantity of steel framing.
- Parts of the Unit were prefabricated to decrease work period and boost ease of installation.
: UBR POD system was prefabricated and installed to unit with mechanical and electricity system
: Pipe and duct space was designed considering the lightweightness and the ease of maintenance.
: Fireproof performance and ease of installation waere secured with adoption of exterior wall metal panel
- interior system wall considering transportation defects was adopted and decrease the defect fixing cost. A vacancy rate can be decreased and the operating income can be secured compared with traditional construction method.
Design Firm Name : POSCO A&C
Engineering Firm Name : POSCO A&C
Green Building Description : - Each unit is designed to withstand earthquakes and secure structural safety when it is transported. The reuse rate is over 80%.
- Thermal performance(insulation, airtightness, condensation-proof) was designed at the passive house level and energy consumption can be reduced.
- Indoor air quality was secured by low VOC materials and windows natural ventilation system. It was verificated by practical test about radon, formaldehyde, etc.
- Decorative steel element for elevation design is functioned to horizontal eaves and prevent from sunlight in the summer.
- Acoustic performance between units are highest grade due to double insulated wall.
- Floor impact sound met the Korean standard.
Installer Firm Name : POSCO A&C
Occupied Date : 1/1/2018
Owner Firm Name : Pyeongchang Organizing Committee for WinterOlympic
Production Start Date : 7/1/2017
Project Location City : Pyeongchang
Project Location State Name : Kangwon-Do
Technical Innovation : We adopted wire-tension structure assembly system. So we can achieve about 100% unit manufacturing rate On-site work can be terminated because of the bolting space to assembly.
UBR POD system was adopted. Whole UBR system including plumbing and wiring was prefabricated and installed in the unit manufacture factory.
Exterior insulation steel wall panel was adopted to each unit and this make unit have waterproof and
MEP Prefab
Exterior Panel
Total Square Feet : 10305