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Maison Mecatina

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Additional Info

Award Winner : RG Solution

Architectural Excellence : One story: 7 single rooms, 1 double room, 1 apartment for the nurse, 1 utility room, 1 living space including kitchen, dining room and TV lounge, 1 mechanical room. The complex design is designed and built in accordance with Elder Home National Building Code specifications and Quebec Building Code and its “AccesLogis” program, respecting all ADA criteria. This complex is designed with R.50 roof, 100% insulated from the outside with 8” of polyisocyanurate insulation and no thermal bridges. The layout was designed to respect maximum accessible reach with engineered wood, to avoid steel beams. The walls are R.30 including continuous insulation and no thermal bridges. All rooms were completed in the factory, including all the furniture already installed inside to reduce work time at site. This complex is equipped of commercial doors, triple glaze Low-E windows, air exchanger system, automatic fire dampers, sprinklers, communication system to nurse and addressable alarm system.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : This project has been wanted for 20 years but always exceeding available budgets. After finding RG Solution and its ability to do complex project, an OTC agreement was signed. The Government of Quebec now uses this project in their corporate presentations as a success story allowing what used to be an impossible project, now being possible! We managed to plan this project so no crane had to be brought by boat to this remote location. We designed and built new tripods system that allows supporting 2 modules at the inter-connections within the foundation. For this permanent complex, we designed it so we only had one main electrical panel. All wiring had been planned and done in the factory so the electrician at site could simply unroll the electrical wire to its place.

Design Firm Name : Sivumuattit Development

Engineering Firm Name : CIMA+

Green Building Description : For the roof and walls, the insulation has been done to exceed required insulation ratio factor for that region and to eliminate all thermal bridges and energy loss. -The heating system was designed and built in order to be powered via a small local hydroelectric dam instead of using oil furnace supplied by boat. The use of local workers for those tasks not requiring technical specialists was prioritized. This allowed limiting the number of remote workers to fly to site. All equipment and tools were provided by local suppliers therefore limiting mobilizing having positive environment impact and reduced cost.

Installer Firm Name : RG Solution

Occupied Date : 2/12/2019

Owner Firm Name : Quebec Government (Quebec Housing Society)

Production Start Date : 8/13/2018

Project Location City : La Tabatiere

Project Location State Name : Quebec

Total Square Feet : 4930

Technical Innovation : The location of LaTabatiere is only accessible by boat or plane. There is no roads access. This means our modules had to be transported by road and then by boat. For the boat portion, the challenges were the winds and big waves to be considered. The permanent complex was installed on a concrete foundation but the logistic has been challenging since there are no trucks, trailers, crane to move the modules in this community. The modules had to be built on a special frame and wheels in order to be removed after being installed. The foundation was built with 3 walls only to allow moving back the modules on foundation, and then we poured the 4th concrete foundation wall. The architect was afraid of poor ITS sound factor between bedrooms given the wood structure. The modular approach with double walls and acoustically insulation wool has proven to have high performing ITS factor. The building exterior design was done in the factory allowing easy install at job site.

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