Live Nation Ticket Office

Nothing special or out of the normal for this project. Pacifi_5112866E.jpg Pacifi_5112866V.jpg

Additional Info

Award Winner : Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc.

Architectural Excellence : The 48x60 building features ticket windows, energy efficient lighting, a customized kitchen area and provides Live Nation employees with a beautiful view of Beacon Rock and Beacon Rock State Park. A 60-foot wall was made to include ten ticket windows, spanning the entire width of the building. The wall was specially engineered to provide structural SureWall support to the windows and headers.

In addition to the ticket windows, the building features five offices, a large break room, a customized kitchen area, and washrooms. With specific interior design features in mind and a very tight deadline, Pacific Mobile Structures had to move quickly. The building was designed to include very unique interior features including the ticket windows. The building was uniquely positioned as well to take advantage of the local topography, overlooking the main stage and the Columbia River Gorge.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Modular construction enabled Live Nation to save both time and money. The design incorporated energy efficient features with the building uniquely positioned to fit seamlessly into the surrounding buildings and environment. With a limited number of concert and event dates each year, Live Nation needed a seamless construction process with limited disruption to their site. Modular construction saved Live Nation time and money and prevented them from having to disrupt their peak season which could have been extremely costly. With approximately six concerts a year, time saved is money earned.

Pacific Mobile Structures was able to move into place quickly. A temporary fence was installed around the construction zone to manage the flow of traffic during their peak season. This saved time and allowed Live Nation to implement new ticket windows that would be ready for their upcoming season. Modular construction enabled the Live Nation staff ample time to prepare for the 2018 concert schedule

Engineering Firm Name : Briggs Engineering

Green Building Description : N/A - no green building ratings for this building.

Installer Firm Name : R.H. Company

Occupied Date : 10/9/2017

Owner Firm Name : Live Nation

Production Start Date : 7/7/2017

Project Location City : George

Project Location State Name : Washington

Technical Innovation : With a short season, Live Nation wants to be as energy efficient as possible, and cost-effectiveness was at the forefront of this project. The interior lighting was just one of the energy efficiency components Pacific Mobile incorporated into the design of the ticket office. Ceiling sensors were used throughout the building, designed to detect the amount of sunlight coming through the windows. When natural light comes in during the day, the interior lights will dim based on the square footage of the room and the size of the windows, help save energy and money. Strategically placing the window was a large part of the structural design process. The specific window placement allows for the maximum amount of natural light to enter into the building and circumvent the need for multiple lights throughout the building. For this building, Pacific Mobile used a standard pad and pier foundation system with a 60-foot long retaining wall.

Total Square Feet : 2880

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