Award Winner : WillScot Mobile Mini
Architectural Excellence : Hearst Elementary is a two-story, self-contained school building complete with classrooms, cafeteria, kitchen, library, offices, conference room and restrooms. The building was designed to replace an existing single story building that was removed and reused on another site. The main entrance to the building enters the lower stair module which provides a vestibule space at the entrance. The decision to build two stories was driven by the need for additional space while having no additional land available. Modules were staged offsite at a nearby school because the small site provided no room to store units on-site. The building exterior is painted Dura Temp wood siding with painted wood trim. The roof is Mule-Hide black EPDM. The building’s interior is vinyl covered gypsum walls, welded seam vinyl flooring, vinyl composition tile, carpet and acoustical ceiling tile.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : This building incorporated a number of cost saving features that made the modular building the most effective approach to solving an additional space need. A lease option allowed the school to have a new building constructed at a lower up-front cost to solve their space needs. An existing, single story building was removed and relocated, saving the construction cost of a new building at the other site. The existing foundations were reused in conjunction with helical piers to provide an upgraded foundation to handle the additional load of a two story building. This saved approximately 50% of the cost of a new foundation for the larger building.
Occupied Date : 8/21/2013
Production Start Date : 5/16/2013
Project Location City : Washington
Project Location State Name : DC
Technical Innovation : Hearst Elementary School had the difficult problem of needing additional classroom and instruction space, but had no additional land upon which to build. After looking at many options, the decision was made to remove the existing single story building (reconstructed and reused at another school), upgrade the existing foundation, and erect a new two-story building in the same footprint. The existing concrete pier foundations posed a unique challenge for the design and construction team because the new building would be considerably heavier, the foundations needed to be upgraded to account for the additional load. The new building was designed to rest on a foundation system that consisted of existing concrete piers supplemented by new helical piers with steel beams tying the two together. The innovative reuse of existing resources, both on and off site, eliminated the need to demolish, dispose of and to rebuild a new foundation, thus saving time, money, material and resources.
Total Square Feet : 7500