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Exxon Mobile Security Guard House

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Kan-Bud

Architectural Excellence : The EEPCI CHAD Project is located AT Exxon Mobil industrial area in Chad, Africa. It is a self-existing office building with mechanical room and side-by-side security guard complex, built of recycled converted metal sea containers, meant to serve a 24-hour functioning multi-purpose area with modern security maintenance system on relatively “dangerous” grounds with extreme weather conditions. The 870 sq. ft office block consists of two units with an exterior walk-way in between. The guard house consisting of seven high cube 40 feet (+ one standard 20 feet) metal construction units with an area of 2370 sq. ft renders convenience equal to higher rate security buildings with control gates. The complex equipped with all sanitary facilities, its own water and sewage system, emergency and fire alarm system and all types of media installations, e.g. security cameras or X-ray machines comply with contemporary office and public control building requirements.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : The most important criteria for the operation of the facility is 95 % factory completion that includes all system testing and sign off. This is especially important given the geographical location of the camps’ final destination. The roofing and corridors where designed for a quick drop and connection on site. All mechanical, plumbing and electrical fixtures are chosen for their low volume and low energy use abilities. Essentially, the low volume and low energy fixtures limit and control the client’s need to reload on natural resources, e.g. the white colored roof plays the role of a heat shield. Hence the cost reduction on A/C. Moreover, the building is covered with an additional 2-side slope roof, which is specially designed to protect the facility from intensive tropical rains. The quick erection process at site reduced to minimum, the usage of recycled containers and the rapid transport system, contributes to cost effectiveness of the project and an eco-friendly approach.


Occupied Date : 5/25/2010

Production Start Date : 4/11/2010

Project Location City : N'Djamena

Technical Innovation : What makes this product special and unique in Europe is that it has been fabricated in Poland with American standard rig power supply, and then sent to Chad ready to plug and play. The EEPCI CHAD facility project is structurally, mechanically and electrically prepared for easy and rapid connection and erection. The entire facility is structurally supported on steel frame, which serves a permanent foundation for the facility. Also, the metal construction protects the modules from the great amount of humidity in this particular area. The modules were designed on the basis of regular sea containers maintaining their exterior dimensions with international heavy truck transport functionality. The roof construction, stairs, corridor platform are all galvanized for better maintenance in extreme weather conditions.

Total Square Feet : 3280

Category : Permanent: Office: under 10,000 sq. ft.

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