Award Winner : Modular Genius, Inc.
Architectural Excellence : North Dorchester is a rural community that lacked adequate Health Care options for the high school and surrounding area. The director of the Health Department was using a converted classroom in the high school to treat patients. Because the room lacked the privacy and amenities required to properly treat the public, the director began investigating the possibility of obtaining a federally funded grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA. Because the director had no experience in construction, she contacted Modular Genius for help in developing a solution so that the funding could be obtained. Modular Genius reviewed the grant requirements, visited the school and put a turnkey package together, including permits, utilities, fire alarm, voice and data.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : The building and infrastructure had to meet all of the grant requirements and meet the project budget. Knowing the budget allowed Modular Genius to utilize standard materials for the building. Yet, when pricing the utilities at the originally proposed location, the project exceeded the funding available. Modular Genius re-surveyed the grounds and re-designed the building with a two-hour fire rated wall on each 60-foot side. The fire rated walls reduced the space required between the modular building and existing structures. Including the fire rated walls allowed the building to be placed in an area that could utilize existing power, require less excavation for utilities and require less low voltage wiring. The re-design with fire rated walls saved the project.
Occupied Date : 12/12/2012
Production Start Date : 10/13/2012
Project Location City : Hurlock
Project Location State Name : MD
Technical Innovation : Modular construction was an ideal solution considering that the grant required the structure be operational within the year that funding was approved. Electric, sewer, water and foundations were constructed while the building was manufactured in an off-site facility. Factory installed laminate counter tops, exam room sinks, counters, cabinets and drop ceiling were installed prior to delivery to ensure that the project schedule was met.
Total Square Feet : 1440