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Devon J1

Additional Info

Award Winner : Black Diamond Group

Architectural Excellence : This office complex is an extension of an original 12-unit office complex that Devon was using to house their Operations employees at their Jackfish 1 Site. An oversized Arctic corridor (14’ x 49’) complete with oversized windows was utilized to connect the existing 12 unit office complex to the new 8-unit office complex giving the entire complex an H shape. A modular vestibule was included at the main entrance to give the entire complex a more inviting appeal and to serve as a buffer to the elements. Tying these units in was a challenge especially when dealing with the existing truss roof. This expansion houses 15 new offices, men’s and woman’s washrooms, a conference/computer room, lunchroom, and file storage room that required a specific rolling file system that required an increase in the floor load requirement. The UPS/Server room also had special requirements in a chemical fire suppression system that required automatic door closers and an exterior louvered air vent.

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Given the end location of this complex, the modular design build was far more cost effective in comparison to a site-built structure. The utilization of the truss roof design allowed for a greater R-rating in the roof while at the same time, adding additional fire safety.

Design Firm Name : Britco

Occupied Date : 3/1/2009

Production Start Date : 11/19/2008

Project Location City : Conklin

Project Location State Name : AB

Technical Innovation : There were several technical issues that were dealt with for this permanent office expansion. Utilizing an arctic corridor to tie the existing complex into the new one presented a challenge in that there were three doorways that required aligning to marry the two complexes. The file storage system required an increased floor load capacity that required a beefed-up floor design to handle the added weight of the rolling file storage system across a large open area. Accommodating for a trussed roof design, required that the units have added support and the ability to disperse weight loads where the modules came into contact with the truss roof. Also, tying into the existing sprinkler, fire alarm and electrical systems presented a challenge in that all specs from the existing needed to be taken into account.

Total Square Feet : 16064

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