Award Winner : Nadler Modular Structures
Architectural Excellence : This 10 building complex includes 5 classrooms, a multi-purpose room, 2 offices, and a teacher’s lounge. The exterior stucco siding is painted in colonial blue set with 3’ x 6’ double insulated glass windows which allow maximum potential for natural light. Accordion doors were used in two of the classrooms to create 4 classrooms for smaller learning groups as needed. The staff offices have wall to wall carpeting. The classrooms, multi-purpose room, and hallways were installed with Armstrong 1/8” vinyl tile using a contrast border around the perimeter of each room. The multi-purpose room functions as a lunch room, a space for prayer services, and other specialty programming. In the main bathrooms, each stall was designed to be its own cubicle with floor to ceiling privacy doors, light switches, and exhaust fans. Located on the Maurice Lowenger Campus, the modular building stands along side a pre-existing school building which houses the kindergarten through 8th grade classes.
Cost Energy Effectiveness : The two classrooms with accordion doors allow for maximum space and flexibility for school programming. Most of the interior lighting used 1x4 recessed fluorescent IC rated double tube fixtures equipped with energy saving ballasts and T-8 bulbs. The HVAC units that were installed were high efficient York roof mount units with a SEER of 13.0. They were also equipped with an energy recovery ventilator allowing fresh air to be supplied into the building. This also control humidity levels to allow maximum temperature comfort. The most impressive achievement of cost effectiveness for this building is the speed with which the building was designed and built. The entire high school complex was designed, manufactured, and installed in under 60 days. To build this building as a traditional stick building would have taken well over a year from start to finish. If the building ever needed to be moved, it is completely modular allowing for maximum potential for the schools use.
Design Firm Name : None
Occupied Date : 7/12/2006
Production Start Date : 5/21/2006
Project Location City : Far Rockaway
Project Location State Name : NY
Technical Innovation : 1’x4’ recessed fluorescent IC rated double tube fixtures equipped with energy saving ballasts and T-8 bulbs were customized and installed in the factory. The entire building has roof-mounted central heating and air. The HVAC units were equipped with an energy recovery ventilator which allows for fresh air to be supplied into the building and can also control humidity levels for maximum comfort for the students.
Total Square Feet : 7680
Category : Relocatable: Education: 2,000 - 10,000 sq. ft.